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Story of our School
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Rockland Public School is a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 School of approximately 550 students. We are a place where children come to learn and to grow as respectful, kind citizens who take pride in striving for success in all that they do.

Rockland Public School offers both the French Immersion and Core French streams. French Immersion (FI) starts in Junior Kindergarten. FI students are taught French, Social Studies, Physical Education, Health, Dance, Music, Drama, and Visual Arts in the French language. The other half of the day they are taught Language, Math, and Science in English. Our Grade 1 to 6 students may choose the Core French stream where they will receive 40 minutes a day of French instruction with an emphasis on speaking French. All other subjects will be taught in English to those students in the Core French stream.

At Rockland PS we strive to help our children be the best that they can be. We foster a Growth Mindset within a safe, caring environment where all may learn. We aim to provide a place of care and compassion for all of our learners in order to ensure that they have every opportunity to be successful as students and as people.

In addition to providing academic challenges our staff also offer a variety of extra-curricular activities such as a wide variety of sports, a WE Day Club, Eco School Club, Student Voice, Pokemon Club, Lego Club, Art Club, Bey Blade Club, Choir, Open Gym, Anti-Bullying Club (ABC Club), Games Club…and more. Our staff members are committed to providing a stimulating environment to engage our students and excite them about belonging, learning, and growing.

We aim to help our students feel safe, self-confident, and feel like they belong because we know that when students feel good about themselves they are willing to take risks and try their best. We recognize that today’s students have a number of stressors that effect how they feel and learn so we are teaching them how to cope through “Zones of Regulation” and tools such as CHEO’s “Mindmasters 2”. Our school is also exploring Dr. Stuart Shanker's work on Self-Reg. Rockland PS supports and promotes the anti-bullying initiative WITS--Walk Away, Ignore, Talk it out, Seek help.

We value the support of parents and guardians. We look forward to working with you in order to help provide the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to help your children be safe, happy, lifelong learners. As parents you have a significant impact on your child’s success in school. Talking to your child about what they did in school today, reading to or with your child on a daily basis (Yes! Even those in grade 6!), supporting homework routines, exploring interests by going to the public library or checking things out on the computer with them are SOME ways that you can make a positive impact on your child’s education.

We have an active School Council at RkPS. They organize events to inform parents as well as other events to help develop a sense of belonging and fun. Please join us on the second Thursday of every month as we explore ways that we can support our school community.

We also work closely with our community partners. We enjoy our partnerships with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, the Rockland Public Library, and our community OPP liaison officer.
We are pleased to be a part of the Healthy Eating for Better Learning Breakfast Program. The United Way, Villeneuve Orchard, St. Albert’s Cheese, and The Grocery Foundation are some of the groups that support us in providing breakfast snack foods to those students who need them or wish to access them.

Clarence-Rockland’s Before and After School Daycare program is a well known and appreciated resource at our school.  We have recently completed renovations at our school which will permit the township to operate all-day daycare for Preschoolers and Toddlers.  All-Day Preschool Daycare is expected to start this spring and we are hoping that the All-Day Toddler Daycare will start by this fall. 

At Rockland Public School we recognize that it takes a whole community to raise a child so please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, would like a tour, or would like to volunteer your time and talents to support our school community.

Together we can make a difference! 

Ms. Walker, Principal 
Updated September 2024
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